Daily Totals

(Switch to: 30-day totals)
Move the cursor over the headers for explanation.

Actual valuesValues in millimetres
(litres per square metre)

AnomaliesDifference between the actual value and average value on the same date in previous years
(1950 onwards)

DecilesRanking that indicates how unusual the conditions are, when compared to conditions on the same date in previous years
(1950 onwards)

Percentage of averageValue expressed as a percentage of the average value on the same date in previous years
(1950 onwards)

PrecipitationEstimated total precipitation (the sum of rainfall, snow, hail, etc)

Daily Total Precipitation

Daily Precipitation Anomalies

Daily Precipitation Deciles

Daily Precipitation Percentages

StreamflowEstimated amount of overland runoff and groundwater that locally enters the streams

daily streamflow

daily streamflow

daily streamflow

daily streamflow

Catchment Water StorageEstimated total sum of water stored in the catchment, whether as snow, ponding water, soil water, groundwater or water in local streams